Wendy’s README


Wendy is a small website, intended to run on small and local instances, for enabling the germination of web of trust.

Wendy consists of a big front-end and a small back-end.

The front-end features are:

  • generate a key-pair
  • create social profile
  • emit a signed digital identity
  • certify signed digital identities from peers
  • gather and organized the self-certified digital identities from peers
  • share the certified digital identities
  • analyze the web of trust

The back-end eases the data exchange between the peers.

Getting started

In a bash-terminal:

git clone https://github.com/charlyoleg/wendy
cd wendy
npm i
npm run start

Public instance

Wendy’s frontend is available on Netlify.


You can browse the documentation on readthedocs or build it locally:

git clone https://github.com/charlyoleg/wendy
cd wendy
npm install
npm run install_py
npm run the_docs